Pub Church - An update 20/11/24

Pub Church was started by some of Kingdom Vineyard’s very first students who wanted a space that they could invite their non-christian friends, who would never step foot in a church, to meet Jesus-loving people. The rest is history. We’ve had not much short of 20 years of great conversations, deep ones and weird ones, we’ve laughed until inhalers are required, we’ve celebrated and commiserated, we’ve cried and we’ve prayed.

There’s so much to celebrate and be thankful to God for, not least that there are some people who know Jesus because of the ministry of Pub Church.

However, throughout this year our staff team and those who have been key pub church attenders have been prayerfully weighing up whether this is still scratching an itch of our church. Together, we have come to the conclusion that it isn’t. We’re a church with a high turnover of people, and with that, a high turnover of needs. We never want to hold tightly to a programme or an event because it’s what we have always done, instead, we are about people over programmes and we want to follow God’s leading to bless what He is blessing.

We’re of course a bit sad but we also have peace that it is the right time to lay Pub Church down, at least for now.

All that said, we are still a community the really values good quality church family time and so we want to shine a light on another space that is doing that well, Church Lunch. Church lunch is something that happens pretty much every week, and has been going on for 10+ years - anyone is welcome to go along! It happens at The Rule which is just round the corner from the Town Hall and a group typically meanders over around the 12.45-1pm mark. It really is a great way to get stuck into KV’s community and get to know someone better that you may only have a passing conversation with on a Sunday morning.

So, we invite you to join us in thanking God for what He’s done through Pub Church, and we invite you to come and join in with what God is doing in other areas of our church life as we continue to help people make connections with God in East Fife!