Homegroup Leader Toolkit
Thank you so much for being a homegroup leader! We’re really grateful! Through this page you’ll find some helpful information and resources that you might need.
What is a Homegroup LEader?
As a homegroup leader, we’re asking you to:
Communicate with the members of your group to let them know how and when you’re meeting
Decide what your group will do each week
Help to steer conversation, making sure everyone has a say
Encourage the group to support one another, look out for any pastoral issues, and seek help with anything you’re not sure about
Identify gifts in your homegroup members and seek ways to IRTDMNR them in and out of homegroup
By asking you to be a homegroup leader we don’t expect you to:
Be a theological expert with the answers to everyone’s questions
Be responsible for solving every pastoral issue that arises
Lead the study/discussion every week. We encourage sharing this around the group