Identifying Gifts

One of the things we’d love for you to do as Homegroup Leaders is to be on the look out for the gifts your group members have, and make space in your group for those gifts to grow and develop. We would also love for you to encourage your group members to think about ways they could use their gifts in wider church ministry.

To give you a practical example of what we’re talking about, you might discover that someone in your group plays the guitar, so you ask if they’d be up for giving worship leading a go in your homegroup or playing along with your worship leader. If that seems to be going well, you could encourage them to talk to the Worship Pastor about the opportunities to get involved in the Sunday Worship Team. This would mean pointing them in the direction of Jesse, who will then take over the process of getting them involved.

At the end of the day, the process of giving people opportunities to use their gifts is always going to be relational, so there isn’t one fixed formula or process to use in every situation, but we’re keen to make it as easy as possible for people’s gifts to be spotted, grown and developed. Below you’ll find a list of some of the general qualities we look for in potential leaders as well as a list of gifts that you might identify in your group members, where they could be deployed in the church and who to point people towards for each gift/ministry.

We’re not asking you to do the talking to on behalf of your homegroup member, but rather asking you to be able to point them in the right direction or act as a connection point if they are a bit nervous

What qualities we are looking for (in potential leaders):

  • Spiritual Authority

  • Servant heart

  • Teachable

  • Available

  • Reliable

  • Of Good Character

  • Gifted (see below)

  • Humble

  • Wise

  • Cheerful Giver

  • Able to Train Others

Gifts, areas they could be deployed, and who to talk to:

Note: this isn’t an exhaustive list so if you think you’ve spotted something that isn’t included here, get in touch with the staff team by emailing and lets talk about it!

Bible Study/Handling Scripture

Preaching: Jim

KV Kids: Carrie

KV Youth: Carrie


Worship team: Jesse/Alastair


Service Leading: Caitlin


Storehouse Cafe Host Role: Lucy

KV Kids: Carrie

KV Youth: Carrie

Evangelism/talking to people about Jesus

Storehouse Cafe Host: Lucy

Passion for Prayer

Prayer Events: Caitlin

Public Speaking 

Service Leading: Caitlin

Bible Reader: Caitlin

KV Kids: Carrie


Front of House Manager: Caitlin

Ad-hoc Sunday Hosting Rota: Caitlin

Storehouse Cafe Host: Lucy


Front of House Manager: Caitlin

Visuals: Jesse/Alastair

Office Volunteer opportunities: Jesse

Technical Ability

Tech Team: Jesse/Alastair


No formal ministry, but we’d love to know: Jim