matthew 6:19-33
Jim shares a brief look at what Jesus says about money.
Jim shares a brief look at what Jesus says about money.
Jim shares what Easter Sunday means for us practically in our relationship with God, enthusing that ‘we dont stay dead’!
Advent as a story of hope because God chooses forgotten, ignored, ordinary people to be part of His glorious kingdom.
Ministry as part of ordinary life - you are not defined by what you do, but by who you are while you do it.
Lucy talks about God's heart of compassion and shares the direction we're wanting to take the church’s compassion ministry. This is for the whole church to step into more, so it can be on all of our hearts, to help us keep in line with what’s in God’s heart, so we can more effectively partner with God to share his love and care for our community.
Matthew 18:2-6
Some thoughts on what the Bible means to become like a little child
Jim shares what we think the Lord has been saying to Kingdom Vineyard for 2022. Jesus invites us to turn to him, to follow him, and to be ready to fish for him.
Evangelism is friendship which invites others to loving friendship with God
Jesus arrival in Jerusalem gave rise to some false expectations in the crowd and for the disciples. I talk about handling false expectations and unfulfilled expectations in our current circumstances and what right expectations we should have of God.
In a time of uncertainty, Jim encourages us to return to Jesus and get close to him. We were made to be lights in the darkness and to fulfil this, we need to continually come back to the source of light and life Himself.
Jim shares the challenge of keeping our money from separating us from God, and Jesse shares an update of how Kingdom Vineyard's finances are doing. For more on 'God and Giving', please also check out last year's talk on the same topic!