luke 11:33-44
You can take care of external behaviours without your heart being changed, but having your heart changed will lead to a natural change in external behaviours.
You can take care of external behaviours without your heart being changed, but having your heart changed will lead to a natural change in external behaviours.
In the "Beelzebul" controversy, Jesus urges his hearers to choose his side in the war against the darkness.
Some practical thoughts on persistent prayer.
Recommended books:
How to Pray, Pete Greig
God on Mute, Pete Greig
Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster
The Life You've Always Wanted, John Ortberg.
Luke’s version of this famous prayer is much shorter than the one commonly said in churches. Why is that, and how should we respond?
Abi, Pastor of the St. Andrews Baptist Church, shared with us what he felt the Lord is saying to our church family in this season. He encouraged us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, shedding off anything that is getting our way, as we look to the joy set before us.
Each year we ask the Lord what He would like our wee church family to focus on for the year. Jim shares what this looks like, why, and what the Lord has given us as an emphasis for 2024.
Among the all-consuming nature of life, the story of Mary & Martha challenges us to put aside our distractions and our busyness to come and sit at the feet of Jesus.
The parable of the Good Samaritan is explored through the context of loving God and abiding in him; with particular attention being paid to how we apply this today. The talk includes a video showing the work of a local charity, and an attempt to retell the parable as a children’s story.
Continuing the theme of holding on to hope looking at the Old Testament prophecy regarding the Suffering Servant which found fulfilment in Jesus.
In the darkest moments of life, we are counselled to acknowledge how hard things are, while clinging fast to the hope we have in God.